81.  Des Walker will not be considered, while Tony Adams and Paul Gascoigne missed the trip.

82.  The Crown Prosecution Service did not just consider whether a bare prima facie case was enough, but whether there was a proper chance of conviction on reliable evidence.

83.  We will not consider words with stems of more than two syllables.

84.  We will not consider any more complex tones, since these are not often encountered and are of little importance.

85.  Almost to the last we did not consider endings.

86.  Although it sanctioned the bout against Frazier, the WBA did not consider Jones having satisfied its mandatory requirement.

87.  Although the trials reduced the number of such events for patients treated with Integrelin, the reductions were not considered statistically significant.

88.  Alternative formulas, although discussed, were never even seriously considered in Congress.

89.  Alternatives were never seriously considered.

90.  Although a House takeover remains a long shot, it is no longer considered outside the realm of possibility.

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