21.  Nevertheless, green manuring should not be considered as a means of stimulating quick plant growth.

22.  Not at all bad considering that all hell broke loose in September and the City was rocked by events outside its control.

23.  Personally, we would not consider delivering a neural network unless it was embedded in an expert system.

24.  Sceptical, I quickly learnt, is not considered an asset in the low-wage service sector.

25.  Several trials that looked at cancer prevention were not considered within the scope of this analysis.

26.  Smoking is no longer considered socially acceptable by many people.

27.  The alternative of using a fully trained adviser as receptionist would probably not be considered an efficient use of staff.

28.  The Committee did not, however, consider the crime in context.

29.  The House has not yet considered the farm bill where a bipartisan group of lawmakers led by Rep.

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