11.  He did not consider himself an evil man.

12.  He has never even considered the possibility.

13.  However, an environment in which people can not sleep adequately because of excessive noise can not be considered a safe environment.

14.  However, in a liberal society a democratic system of government is not considered sufficient by itself to legitimate public power.

15.  I did not consider it necessary to report the incident.

16.  If this is your first Marine tank, I would not consider sensitive butterfly fish, or coral invertebrates.

17.  In electron sharing, a shared electron can not be considered to have been gained or lost.

18.  It could not even consider, for example, bringing its prices more in line with what consumers were willing to pay.

19.  It was not considered correct for young ladies to go out on their own.

20.  Many builders do not consider it financially viable to maintain a stock of materials at a yard.

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