91.  Although he had played online games for more than a decade, Morrell had never considered dating someone he had met online.

92.  Although he plays the drums, he never considered himself the musical one in the family.

93.  American chicken was not always considered a threat to the Russian motherland.

94.  Although he has cast his shadow over Silicon Valley, Shugart does not consider himself part of that lifestyle.

95.  Although sources said there was initial discussion regarding a Busch Series race at PIR in January, NASCAR officials apparently never seriously considered the date.

96.  Although Labrecque shared senior duties with Shipley, he was never considered a serious contender for the chief executive spot.

97.  Although the issue has not yet been resolved, it was not considered a deal-breaker by either party.

98.  Americans may not consider France a country much plagued by urban crime.

99.  Although Whitaker said he was still recovering from the flu when he fought Rivera the first time, he never considered canceling that fight.

100.  Among settlements, it is not considered a hothouse of ultrareligious or nationalist activism but rather a prime example of settlement-as-suburb.

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