41.  The future of health care cannot be considered in isolation from economic factors.

42.  We never considered the possibility that the plan could fail.

43.  After all, returning money should not be considered extraordinary.

44.  In the absence of a basic level of agreement on issues, however, it was not considered worthwhile to bring delegates together at the conference table.

45.  Finally they do not generally consider that its use constitutes any threat to them.

46.  He did not even consider that she might hold the contrary viewpoint.

47.  Up to this time, Leith had not been considered suitable for some of the larger excursion steamers.

48.  The slave trade cannot be considered in isolation from the whole Atlantic economy.

49.  However, if you do not know how to pay for your next meal, you may not consider books cheap.

50.  As such, they could not be considered as autonomous agents.

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