51.  Medical students from other Medical Schools cannot be considered unless there are extenuating reasons.

52.  Parr did not consider himself a jealous man, in any way.

53.  Missing data were not considered in the analysis.

54.  All patients considered inoperable on the grounds of general health or with distant metastases or extension of the tumour into the bronchus were not considered for resection.

55.  Fifty three patients were not considered to be potential transplant candidates.

56.  Stenosis discovered during ERCP without persistent cholestasis, was not considered an indication for stenting.

57.  Hiatus hernia and diverticular disease were not considered as sufficient cause for anaemia as there is little evidence that they lead to anaemia unless complicated by oesophagitis or diverticulitis.

58.  Although cholecystitis stopped in the three months follow up in that case, we did not consider this technique for our patient because of her history of fistulas.

59.  The County Council has never at any time considered a paper or come to a conclusion erm on the preferred general location for the new settlement.

60.  As all these procedures were carried out by two endoscopists we do not consider that this led to significant bias.

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