61.  Smoking habits and alcohol consumption were not considered in either study.

62.  If for example, so is preferred, the entire right hand side of the tree is no longer considered.

63.  In terms of writing computer software, a program to automate an existing manual process will probably not be considered a trade secret.

64.  It did not consider in any detail the relative merits of a currency union.

65.  These potential costs are not considered in the background research to the SEA.

66.  Such factual situations had not been considered by Lord Templeman who had been dealing with only one occupant.

67.  Humility and displays of emotion were not considered unkingly.

68.  Many leading scientists do not consider that science can give absolutely reliable and unchallengeable knowledge.

69.  The possibility of there being a real lover, and a real response from the other side, as it were, is not even considered.

70.  We shall not consider this topic here except to make the following point.

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