1.  Dessert is a yummy blueberry cake.

2.  Don't leave without trying a yummy cup of vanilla or whatever else is available, which could be fresh peach, apple pie or orange sherbet.

3.  Drizzle with a banana-enhanced chocolate glaze for a yummy ending.

4.  Don't miss: Lunch or breakfast in Sprouts, the on-site restaurant serving yummy spa cuisine that doesn't make you feel deprived.

5.  Familiar and yummy, this buttercream is a standard.

6.  For American kids, pudding means the gloppy, yummy stuff, usually chocolate or butterscotch, that comes out of a cardboard box.

7.  Friday night, Yummy had a three-run triple in the seventh that broke a 6-6 tie.

8.  Gelatin is made from animals hooves and probably smells yummy to your cat.

9.  Fudge Central sports a yummy fudge truffle core wrapped in chocolate and vanilla ice creams strewn with dark and white fudge chips.

10.  Gooey, brewy, yummy, chewy, wombat stew!"

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