41.  It published "Gross Grub" by Cheryl Porter, an 80-page cookbook of "wretched recipes that look yucky but taste yummy."

42.  It's still a yummy summer treat.

43.  It's finger-licking good, a tasty 90 minutes of yummy production numbers and intense spiritual crises.

44.  It's like a child hoping to be sick so he can take that yummy medicine.

45.  Jim Bishop's fudge and divinity had to be eaten while it was still fresh and yummy.

46.  It's yummy!"

47.  Just about the only city-ready styles were the cable-stitched sweaters and the yummy glove leathers, particularly a short-sleeved shirtdress.

48.  Lunch was a tough choice: delicious Vietnamese noodle soup or a yummy Thai buffet; either cost around $7.

49.  Maurice's is definitely sweetened (probably for mass-market consumption) and tastes yummy at first.

50.  Men don't use words and phrases such as "yummy" or "wee ones" (alliteration notwithstanding).

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