11.  As usual, there will be some succulent plums, some overripe prunes and a few blossoms that may yield yummy stuff in the future.

12.  Gooey fun and yummy results.

13.  Granita offers a warm slice to diners for $4.50 that's gilded with yummy caramel sauce and creme fraiche.

14.  Hard to believe a material can look this yummy."

15.  He gets that "altogether yummy" look from every woman in the picture _ and plenty in the audience, too.

16.  He said it was too late now for Yummy, so his message was for the living.

17.  Here are our suggestions for 12 yummy Valentine's Day gifts in lieu of those dozen roses:

18.  Helping Mr. Roarke are a trio of loyal assistants, including the yummy Madchen Amick (Twin Peaks), who can morph into anything.

19.  Here are our suggestions for 12 yummy Valentine's Day gifts in lieu of those dozen roses.

20.  His teammates call him "Yummy."

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