1.  Dessert is a yummy blueberry cake.

2.  Don't leave without trying a yummy cup of vanilla or whatever else is available, which could be fresh peach, apple pie or orange sherbet.

3.  Drizzle with a banana-enhanced chocolate glaze for a yummy ending.

4.  Don't miss: Lunch or breakfast in Sprouts, the on-site restaurant serving yummy spa cuisine that doesn't make you feel deprived.

5.  Familiar and yummy, this buttercream is a standard.

6.  For American kids, pudding means the gloppy, yummy stuff, usually chocolate or butterscotch, that comes out of a cardboard box.

7.  Fudge Central sports a yummy fudge truffle core wrapped in chocolate and vanilla ice creams strewn with dark and white fudge chips.

8.  Gooey, brewy, yummy, chewy, wombat stew!"

9.  Gooey fun and yummy results.

10.  Granita offers a warm slice to diners for $4.50 that's gilded with yummy caramel sauce and creme fraiche.

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