81.  It really surprised me that Jack could play this kind of music instrument terrifically.

82.  The ways we treat these kinds of students differ a lot.

83.  But the more people I contact , the more invalid I find this method is.

84.  It really surprised me that Jack could play this kind of music instrument terrifically.

85.  But the more people I contact , the more invalid I find this method is.

86.  It really surprised me that Jack could play this kind of music instrument terrifically.

87.  I saw the book was about the computer program, and was surprised that in which way can she understand these complex programs.

88.  I formed this thought at the beginning and gave up soon.

89.  The humanities can't bring this sense.

90.  I have never have the sense when I think of some questions like - Why did Li Bai use this metaphor to describe this thing?

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