1.  Until 2000, there more changes in this smll town, there more roads besides thourgh the different villages.

2.  the village had a great development in rencent ytears, and we believe the furtue of this village will be more beautiful!

3.  However, when I came closer, I found this American girl was very slim!

4.  Obviously, she was more than interested in this topic because she was starting to complain about the hotness.

5.  " I was so angry, but I had to get out because this is China and no one gonna help a foreign students to save the seat.

6.  I'll briefly analyze this phenomenon from three aspects in the following part.

7.  At first, I regarded her to be pretending, but as time flew, she never changed this habit.

8.  An epigram of Harvard goes that, " This moment will nap, you will have a dream; But this moment study, you will interpret a dream".

9.  This phenomenon is universal in campus.

10.  For example, Peking University admits 399 students in Beijing and just 19 students in Qinghai Province this year.

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