41.  Usually, this kind of students are welcomed by teachers and admired by other students.

42.  This boy was just this kind of students, all the other students thought.

43.  At this time, a tall girl wearing horsetail strode and passed by us with a light suitcase.

44.  Apart from these daily necessities, a large number of snacks and cosmetics were squeezed in a translucent plastic box.

45.  But the more people I contact , the more invalid I find this method is.

46.  What surprised me was Jack can play this so-called antique terrifically.

47.  I still remember the first class of this course.

48.  "\

49.  I suddenly felt like that no matter how hard this poor teacher tried, he can hardly squeeze out of the net of "stereotype".

50.  Behind this queer phenomena, it is a undeniable fact that we hold prejudice and stereotyping to our dear classmates.

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