51.  Additionally, on campus, this kind of stereotyping also shows up in another way.

52.  "\

53.  These words buzzed into Jenny's ears.

54.  "She must be this year's Queen B!

55.  This class seemed to be a boring lecture on calculus that only a few people were actually listening.

56.  Is there anyone could finish this question for me?

57.  And, under normal circumstances, these reputations are unchanged or hard to be changed at least, no matter what the university or even the society tries to do with it.

58.  This stereotype has quite a long history, not only in universities, but also in the whole society.

59.  I thought this kind of girl could never take school work seriously, so when I was asked to do the group work with her, I felt disappointed.

60.  After these six year's accommodation in school, I learned that fewer people live in one room, more convenient the life will be.

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