1.  After age thirty-five, contraceptive responsibility was considered a matter of mutual responsibility.

2.  As recently as the mid sixties, Nelson Rockefeller was considered unsuitable for the presidency because he had once been divorced.

3.  At that time I was considered one of the best software engineers of my generation.

4.  By the early seventies both were considered unremarkable occupational hazards of life in the gay fast lane.

5.  During the summer, air conditioning is considered essential.

6.  Even as a wee boy I had considered it an unfair exchange.

7.  Except for Brown and Young, all of the other injured players are considered probable for the Saints game.

8.  For a long time dispersal of any book from a public library was considered anathema.

9.  For their part, neither Carrillo nor Guzman are considered pacifists within the drug trade.

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