51.  As a congressman, Dollinger was considered unswervingly liberal.

52.  As a contraceptive, Norplant is considered extremely effective.

53.  As a bachelor with no family, he was considered a poor travel risk.

54.  As a judge and projector of talent, he is considered average.

55.  As a team, the two were considered formidable.

56.  As a young man, he was considered a major-league pitching prospect.

57.  As for Iran and Iraq, they are considered years away from developing long-range missiles.

58.  As a young stage actress she was considered plain, which meant she had to get by on talent alone.

59.  As a result of the hiring of the former Boys Ranch workers, state juvenile corrections officials are considering changes in how they conduct employee background checks.

60.  As an example, one might consider a photograph of a crowd at the Bloody Sunday funerals.

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