21.  Even among seasoned mountaineers Pinnacle Ridge is considered quite a tough proposition.

22.  In alcoholic liver disease, transplant assessment was considered appropriate in the case of sustained abstinence following medical advice.

23.  In seven cases severe cholangitis was considered a specific indication for the rapid establishment of drainage using an endoprosthesis.

24.  Even in the company of small people he was considered diminutive.

25.  In practice, any value other than zero is considered TRUE.

26.  Along with Oasis, Blur and Pulp, Supergrass is considered part of the new wave of punk-inspired Brit-pop.

27.  Among children and teen-agers, lack of physical activity is considered the biggest factor in the rising obesity rates in this country.

28.  Among Europeans, he is considered neither innovative enough nor unpredictable enough to excite more than mild interest.

29.  Among presidents, Casteen is considered a master of the soft sell.

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