71.  At that time, the few people who moved to the jewelry district were considered urban pioneers.

72.  At the same time, congressional oversight of the massive federal bureaucracy is considered spotty at best.

73.  At the start of this century, a man who could read the Bible and do long division was considered well-educated.

74.  At the time they were considered part of a broader effort to introduce a line of Christmas decorations.

75.  At the time, the action was considered a radical adversarial approach.

76.  At the time, the manufacturing process was considered safe.

77.  At the time, the Rangers were considered one of the worst franchises in baseball.

78.  At the time, their ideas were considered wild.

79.  At the time of his death last year, Ruiz was considered a reformer.

80.  At its peak, Floyd was considered one of the biggest storms ever to threaten the United States.

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