41.   After all, audiences want to be entertained, not see their idols with feet of clay.

42.   After being promoted to Sergeant-Major, Cottle was summoned before a board to see if he were officer material.

43.   After school the following afternoon, Alf Norris and I made a beeline to see the damage.

44.   After Starbuck leaves, we see that Ahab was not so confident of his position as it appeared to Starbuck.

45.   After that I could never see the point of toiling up a steep incline in preference to riding comfortably on a ski-lift!

46.   After twenty feet or so I turned to see his figure disappear from view.

47.   After years of close work, she could hardly see a thing if it was over a yard away.

48.   Afterwards, George asked me to come down and see if I could talk some sense into you.

49.   Again she glanced at the windscreen of the other car but she could see nothing through the darkened glass.

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