21.   A moment later, all that I could see was that the chil-dren looked embarrassed.

22.   A moment more, and we see Bradley standing on Deck, swinging his hat to show that he is all right.

23.   A physician, Naumann, was sent along with a farrier to see what went on at Alfort.

24.   A pie chart can help the retailer or business-person see at a glance exactly where the money goes.

25.   A president who works hard on issues like these will not see his ratings go up on weekly basis.

26.   A real joy to see such real craftsmanship and pride in work.

27.   A shareholders action committee has been formed to see if any value can be obtained.

28.   A side benefit for Deborah was that she gained some extra time to get caught up on work and to see Paul.

29.   A slight breeze picks up and you see only occasional flashes of distant lightning that still illuminate the whole sky.

30.   A steady supply of films that audiences want to see is crucial to the continued success and growth of multiplexes.

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