1.   See you, Darren.?

2.   A child can only see see the world from his or her own perspective.

3.   A clear example can be seen in the case of the destruction of the ozone layer, causing the greenhouse effect.

4.   A complete contrast in building style can be seen in Commercial Road.

5.   A couple of days later I saw her in a downtown bar.

6.   A different view of royal opportunism can be seen in the confirmation of charters for leading monasteries outside the demesne.

7.   A general tendency towards making artillery lighter and more mobile can also be seen in the later Decades of the century.

8.   A lot of what exists in these woods can not be seen from my red spruce.

9.   A moment more, and we see Bradley standing on Deck, swinging his hat to show that he is all right.

10.   A more famous slide can be seen below the Middle Brothers Peak on the north valley rim.

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