91.   Democrats clashed with Republicans in a heated debate.

92.   Democrats clashed with Republicans last night in a heated debate about unemployment.

93.   Despite some good acting from the ensemble cast, the characters slip into the stereotypes needed to establish the political debate.

94.   Despite the overwhelming scientific consensus supporting the existence of global warming, the media often portray it as a controversial scientific debate.

95.   Discussions of the exact meaning of autonomy are absent in the debate between holists and individualists.

96.   Dole passed on participating in a televised debate last Friday in Dallas.

97.   Dole, who is scheduled to speak last, Decided to skip a presidential debate Saturday in South Carolina.

98.   Driving the process was the ongoing debate over what might be the very best face Lisa could put forth.

99.   Each school of thought has enjoyed constant internal debate about assumptions and methods.

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