1.   A range of issues were debated at the meeting.

2.   Experts debated Tuesday whether pasteurization is better than other techniques in assuring the safety of fresh fruit juices.

3.   For nearly a month, doctors debated amputating his ravaged legs.

4.   In their terms they debated the very issues that divided Calvinists from Arminians.

5.   The issue was debated by academics, and some sections of the quality press.

6.   The Louisiana legislature was debating a bill to outlaw virtually all abortions.

7.   They had already debated where to go on vacation, Yosemite or Lake Tahoe.

8.   We debated whether to fly or go by train, finally Deciding on the train.

9.   We were debating the best way to reach the river, when a passing ranger kindly pointed it out.

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