1.   A communications and technology policy initiative to engage the civil rights community in debates over emerging communications and technology policy.

2.   A debate even begins about whether the army is not getting a little trigger-happy in its nervous and no doubt terrified tension.

3.   A debate is raging now in finance circles and Congress over whether the value of derivatives should be recorded in corporate books.

4.   A defining characteristic of the Bund was its acceptance of debate and dissent.

5.   A few weeks ago we had a classic example of that in a debate on the Cardiff Bay Barrage Bill.

6.   A fierce debate arose among those trying to respond to the unfavourable economic and social effects of occupation.

7.   A flexible engineering system had been introduced after considerable debate about the worthwhileness of the investment.

8.   A little humility in the medical debate would not go amiss.

9.   A long debate determines who will be unlucky and bear the cost of eggs rather than sperm.

10.   A lot of these things honestly involve real debates over ideas ... and the answers are not self-evident.

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