1.   A parliament code of conduct is being debated that would require members to disclose their assets and business interests.

2.   A range of issues were debated at the meeting.

3.   After debating, I Decided that I should not get off the track.

4.   An annual black communications conference was instituted to debate issues and encourage black recruitment by the networks and major publications.

5.   Analysts are debating who is better positioned to woo Catholics this fall.

6.   And doctors and governments alike are debating how to curb the excesses of drug promotion.

7.   And this caused a flaming row at the school debating society.

8.   As we debate the Bill, the period of public consultation is only half way through.

9.   As we have seen, this second chance to debate the subject of dissension within the community was also rejected.

10.   At the very least, it would mean that the real issues are debated rather than the trivial detail of statistics and history.

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