71.  As a political scientist, Diana Owen hardly considers herself an expert in women's health.

72.  Developers in the area also consider it an effective way to provide a focus for population growth.

73.  Damon doesn't consider Ripley a despicable character, however.

74.  Despite being younger than all but one of the other four starters, Claridge is considered the star, leader and emotional barometer.

75.  Despite his ferocious on-field persona, Munoz has always been considered one of the good guys of the sports world.

76.  Dancing still is considered a wicked activity by some conservative Christians.

77.  Dialing for Deductions: Cellular phones are considered personal property.

78.  Daniels' relatives and his doctors consider his recovery from the beating a miracle.

79.  Diana's family is considering a permanent memorial in Great Brington, which could accommodate the large crowds that began filling the village Sunday.

80.  Despite its sometimes tedious nature, DNA evidence is considered the heart of the prosecution's case.

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