21.  As a former defense secretary under Bush's father, Cheney is considered a key voice in discussions over foreign policy and the administration's restructuring of the military.

22.  As a former head of Russia's gas industry, he is considered by them to be one of their own.

23.  Any win at Notre Dame Stadium is considered significant to USC's program.

24.  Curry is generally considered the best high school player in the nation.

25.  Desperate to find a remedy for failing schools, several states are considering voucher experiments that would offer low-income students private-school scholarships at public expense.

26.  Despite abandoning the old rites for church vestments, Gun still considers himself an Old Believer.

27.  Democratic Party officials are considering chartering a plane from Washington for the event.

28.  Customers and investors consider approval of the latest deal a foregone conclusion.

29.  Democrats are considering a $500 billion plan over the next 10 years.

30.  Democrats consider Ashcroft rigid, stern and aloof.

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