51.  Despite the uncertainties, some experts consider the status of native earthworm populations a good indicator of ecosystem integrity.

52.  Despite their beauty, many of the buildings are considered obsolete for modern office use.

53.  Denver will consider offers on the following airport revenue bonds:

54.  Despite their showing in Ted and Jane's playground, the Mets cannot be considered a contender for the division championship.

55.  Despite this season's trouble, the 35-year-old Strawberry does not consider the next five weeks an audition for 1998.

56.  Despite those three champions, Riddick Bowe and Tyson are widely considered the world's best heavyweights.

57.  Despite the mention of the Jewish holiday in the message, neither school officials nor the police consider the incident a bias crime.

58.  Despite the neuropathy, Richards considers himself a lucky man.

59.  Despite the park's legendary designers, the group considers itself lucky to even have a city-employed gardener.

60.  Daimler-Benz is considering investing $1 billion to build minivans and engines in China.

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