61.  As far as you're concerned, an activity that prohibits spectators from being louder than their plaid trousers cannot be considered an athletic event.

62.  Even after what was expected to be a final vote approving the bill in the early morning hours Thursday, the cause should not be considered completely won.

63.  Even as a politician _ forget the fact that I don't consider myself to be a politician."

64.  Even after the tragedies of the 2000 season, the Jarretts don't consider the sport to be overly dangerous.

65.  Even Fennelly wasn't originally considered by Iowa State, which eventually extended its search to include men.

66.  Even lying about future economic prospects, Thomas said, shouldn't be considered a violation of the company's responsibility to administer benefits in the workers' best interests.

67.  Even many of his allies did not consider his re-election a sure thing.

68.  Even a perennial All-Star such as Piazza, who might be the all-time greatest hitting catcher, never has been considered as complete a catcher as Rodriguez.

69.  Even at that, oddsmakers are not considering the Americans to be second-round material.

70.  Even at typical lending rates of about 20 percent, many companies just don't consider it profitable.

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