21.  Anything under 80.0 is not considered good.

22.  As a result, Betancourt did not consider her latest excursion to be particularly risky, said Lamprea, her campaign worker.

23.  As a result, high levels of vinyl chloride found in these systems have so far not been considered to be a violation of federal drinking water limits.

24.  Directors won't consider such a plan again until the third quarter, said David Garrity, a Smith Barney analyst.

25.  Director Fuqua never considered alternate locations, even though he says the movie's producers and Warner Bros. studio executives tried to persuade him otherwise.

26.  Deaths caused by negligence, accidents, suicides or those deemed justifiable are not considered homicides.

27.  Diving isn't considered a contact sport.

28.  Doblin, who holds a Ph.D. in public policy from Harvard, does not consider himself a drum beater in a bus.

29.  Deeper questions of language and mind, including how young children can dope out their native language from the wash of adult talk surrounding them, were never considered.

30.  Dollar never considered avoiding the draft.

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