51.  As a result, most malls are not considering metal detectors or even a routine search of bags _ measures that are commonplace at many Israeli shopping centers.

52.  As a result, they say, the state doesn't seriously consider nonlethal measures.

53.  Dodge also wouldn't have considered the Messers' high utility bills or leaving a light on all night as evidence of a crime.

54.  Economic yardsticks designed for a manufacturing economy do not consider the impact of software, fax machines and other modern productivity-enhancing tools.

55.  Don't even consider them.

56.  Elective office has never been considered a great boon to family life.

57.  Education, freedom of expression and the alleviation of poverty could no longer be considered a government responsibility alone.

58.  Dutton never considered himself lucky.

59.  Employees should not consider the pay increase as being part of a new contract the Machinists are trying to negotiate with management, Nelson said.

60.  Evans wasn't considered a talent evaluator, though he had limited scouting experience.

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