1.  Next, they considered the possible closure of Village school.

2.  At that point, the family relocated to Sweden, long considered a tolerant and welcoming country.

3.  After all, he considered this simply a preliminary investigation.

4.  Afterward, Puffer considered the postgame spread before leaving to eat with the family members who made the trip from Round Rock and Orange County, Calif.

5.  All the same, Tryon considers their association more than a one-sided brush with greatness.

6.  Briefly, they considered a get-tough approach.

7.  By contrast, Texaco, once a contender, is now considered something of a has-been.

8.  Even so, she considered a clump of tight dandelion buds in the park.

9.  Even when you consider Gary Player or Lee Trevino?

10.  Even now, investors and patent lawyers consider the current average wait, a little over two years, much too long.

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