31.  Particularly when you consider the alternatives.

32.  Remarkably, the Gunnison sage grouse was never even considered a subspecies of the more widely distributing northern sage grouse.

33.  Recently a small group of black assistants considered a class-action discrimination lawsuit against the NFL.

34.  Secretly, I considered none of my peers, poor things, sophisticated enough to appreciate the unendingly erudite team.

35.  So at the first invitation, he rattled off what he considers his accomplishments.

36.  So far, NASA considers the work to develop Robonaut strictly research.

37.  So what if detractors consider her little more than a serial social climber?

38.  So, before you enter the lemon lists once more, consider the alternatives.

39.  Still, we considered a few options.

40.  Still, many prospective parents, not wanting the uncertainty of dealing with birth mothers, never even consider domestic adoption seriously.

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