41.  Still, the military government considered him an enemy of the state because his protests made it look bad and eventually forced Shell to stop drilling.

42.  That is, unless you consider military presence and assistance.

43.  Today, Clinton considers impeachment not unlike the defeat of his health care overhaul or the rejection of the comprehensive test ban treaty.

44.  Today, she considers Humphries a bit of a hanger on.

45.  Today, by far the majority of paleontologists consider that early bird as the first clear link in the dinosaur-to-bird lineage.

46.  Twenty years ago, the aviation agency considered a requirement that passengers wear belts whenever they are in their seats.

47.  Two years ago, the committee considered a credentials ban for newspapers that publish betting lines.

48.  A year ago, many analysts considered the resort just east of Paris an American misfit doomed to fail.

49.  After all, I consider these beverages as part of the basic service.

50.  As a result, some of his cousins consider him almost a leftist, a label that makes him smile.

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