61.   Equipment problems were considered to be the principal cause of inaccurate measurements.

62.   Ervin is likewise considered a world-class horn player in constant demand.

63.   Except for Brown and Young, all of the other injured players are considered probable for the Saints game.

64.   Exceptionally, candidates with other qualifications will be considered for admission to the course.

65.   Finally, causes of increased intake or production of potassium must be considered.

66.   Finally, the difficulties of devising appropriate services in a multiracial society are also considered.

67.   First and most radical, a new means of propulsion other than the internal combustion engine might be considered.

68.   Flared trousers were considered to be the height of fashion in those days.

69.   For a long time dispersal of any book from a public library was considered anathema.

70.   For example, an elected member of a board of education would be considered a public official.

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