91.   His re-election was considered virtually certain.

92.   His theories were considered to be revolutionary at the time.

93.   Horton was considered an oddity by most eastern cognoscenti, and his school and company at best a noble experiment.

94.   However the failure of some one to go to mass is considered to be a serious crime.

95.   However, almost nothing else was considered a taboo subject.

96.   However, an environment in which people can not sleep adequately because of excessive noise can not be considered a safe environment.

97.   However, given finite resources, concepts of effectiveness and efficiency must be considered alongside concepts of need.

98.   However, if your company does not draw this distinction, the entire reimbursement is considered wages.

99.   However, in a liberal society a democratic system of government is not considered sufficient by itself to legitimate public power.

100.   I was always considered the black sheep of the family, the weirdo in the group, right?

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