21.   Although this would give an even number of staff available, other factors must be considered.

22.   Any asset with an expected useful life of more than one year is normally considered a capital asset.

23.   Applicants offering qualifications other than those acceptable for an honours degree will be considered for entry to the ordinary degree.

24.   Applicants offering qualifications other than those acceptable for the honours degree will be considered for entry to the ordinary degree.

25.   Applications from persons who hold qualifications not included in this list will be considered on their merit.

26.   As a general rule, algae are considered weeds in the aquarium as their growth can not be easily regulated.

27.   As many congenital abnormalities can be prevented, these developmental defects should not be considered an irreducible component of perinatal mortality.

28.   As recently as the mid sixties, Nelson Rockefeller was considered unsuitable for the presidency because he had once been divorced.

29.   As we all have the choice of spending or saving, some simple form of wealth tax could be considered, too.

30.   At home, political involvement was always considered a righteous thing, a civic thing, a good thing.

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