81.   In the proclamation which we are now considering his lordship announced to all the princes of India his resolution to set up these gates at Somnauth.

82.   And if this be the general rule, why should the case which we are now considering be an exception to that rule?

83.   For, sound or unsound, it furnishes no ground on which you can rest the defence of the institution which we are now considering.

84.   This fluctuating scope of mind should be remembered, more especially when we are considering the probable mental states of the lower animals.

85.   How placoid scales may have given rise to these structures will be understood by considering such a bone as the vomer of the frog.

86.   Worth the consideration of those to whom it may prove worth considering.

87.   But, whether it involve honor or otherwise might be mooted, considering that, if these waters of human nature can be so readily seen through, it may be either that they are very pure or very shallow.

88.   Considering the position that she was to occupy, he must have known that he was deceiving you.

89.   Sakari ( Considering. )

90.   I don't think you were considering your daughter at all in the matter.

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