91.   Margaret ( Appealing to the other men, ignoring Rutland and not considering Dobleman at all. )

92.   Here and there appeared distant sails, unfurled for mere form's sake, considering there was no breeze.

93.   Consequently there became established between us relations which, to a large extent, were incomprehensible to me, considering her general pride and aloofness.

94.   Considering that she is my friend, papa, I think that you are very unkind.

95.   In Fig. 12 you will find a pattern taken from one of those South Sea carvings which we have been considering.

96.   Remember we are only now considering the question of visibility in the design.

97.   Kim watched head to one side, considering and interested.

98.   ' thought Kim considering the jelly back as they jolted down the road; and the reflection threw him into most pleasant day-dreams.

99.   Thus should a man abide, perched above the world, separated from delights, considering vast matters.

100.   ' 'Umm, ' said Kim thoughtfully, considering the past.

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