21.   He was quite cool and collected; but his mind, considering every factor, showed him only his helplessness.

22.   They are the work of an Italian sculptor, Bernasconi by name, and, considering the circumstances, are unusually good.

23.   Considering [Pg 48] the elaborate circumstantiality of detail observable in the item, it seems to me that it ought to contain more information than it does.

24.   Perhaps, considering all things, Bellfield might have waited.

25.   Then she set herself to considering.

26.   For a few seconds she did not speak a word, but sat considering.

27.   P. strictus , quadriscriptus and prehensilis are three species alluded to by Gray as requiring further examination, but probably Jerdon is right in considering them as varieties of P. musanga .

28.   Perhaps, considering modern canons of fiction, this might have been a very successful novel.

29.   He began to wonder what he should do, and to amuse himself by pretending that all the treasures he saw were his own, and considering how he would divide them among his children.

30.   You can't get around the fact that the price was perfectly fair, perfectly reasonable— considering that I didn't own the dog— and so arguing about it is only a waste of words.

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