1.   All that being said, I am currently considering getting a beta reader for this story.

2.   Instead I think it is worth considering the impact of religion rather than the veracity of religion.

3.   Instead of considering the miracle of transformation, he asks instead, "Who is it that was married?"

4.   Instead of repairing the transformer, I suggest considering an upgrade.

5.   Instead they slowly unfroze, whirring slowly in place, as if considering.

6.   Instead, he sat still, quietly considering the holes both in his ambassadorial skills and his knowledge that might prove detrimental to first contact.

7.   Instead, Kame scratched the back of his head in a distracted fashion, nodding and considering the possibility.

8.   Instead, measure the cover; considering the new foam ought to fit the cover, not the old foam.

9.   Instead, we're thrown into the middle of everything, when her parents are considering the option of admitting her into the insane asylum.

10.   Insurance is a must if you are considering transporting your car over a long distance.

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