21.   Interesting in my opinion, especially considering I can't recall having heard or seen anything about it in the previous six months.

22.   Interesting observation considering that neither you nor Gil was actually present during said tirade."

23.   Interesting strategy considering there are only three of these dorks as far as I know, and they're in the middle of a town.

24.   Interesting that Sullivan would approach this considering.

25.   Interestingly, Manish does not fall into this usual rut of considering metro cities as menace.

26.   Interiors wipe from considering saw material because image that is materially applied smells to be perfect and more notable to retain and to sit.

27.   International fishing authorities are also considering banning shark fishing altogether in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

28.   Interview at least half a dozen professionals in the field you're considering.

29.   Intro With a growing demand for health services, more and more students are considering a career as a pharmacist.

30.   Investing big bucks without considering these factors is a pitfall you could well avoid.

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