41.   All the importance of Ramadan and Importance of the Last ASHRAH in RAMADAN is to be fully taken advantage of considering this as a onetime offer.

42.   Ironic for that to be the case, considering the argument I made above.

43.   Ironic really, considering how the whole affair ends.

44.   Ironic, considering booze was probably the pied piper that led you to the land of severe head injury in the first place.

45.   Ironic, considering the stuff you cited on the other thread, which was all just parsed together from Internet rumors.

46.   Ironically, my membership at this town hall style meeting seemed inappropriate considering I was representing a group built for GBT men.

47.   Ironically, this independent film is the least child friendly of the trio, considering it has the youngest child featured.

48.   IRS Considering Relief for Taxpayers Caught Up Wit.

49.   Is anyone considering an enhancement like this, or had it done already?

50.   Is Aventurine considering introducing some type of skill point cap for players?

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