1.  Although his union of skilled workers was sometimes considered relatively conservative within the labor movement, Winpisinger advocated mass labor organizing.

2.  Any protest could still be lodged with the Ontario Racing Commission within 48 hours.

3.  Any purchase must add to earnings within 12 months, he said.

4.  Defensive players positioned within a yard of the line of scrimmage will no longer be able to flinch to draw an offensive player into an illegal procedure penalty.

5.  Deputy Press White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart said there was no behind-the-scenes effort underway within the Clinton administration to lobby the Nobel Prize committee to honor Clinton.

6.  Deputy Prime Minister Miroljub Labus predicted the move would occur within days.

7.  Defying government officials who call their plans illegal, the local companies said last week they will band together to begin operating long-distance service within two months.

8.  Cuban said a deal must be worked out "now," but wouldn't commit to a time frame, other than within a week or two.

9.  Derek Bell added a solo shot in the fifth, and Alou's two-run blast pulled the Astros within two.

10.  Derived from the Greek word for "knowing," gnosis places God within the self.

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