11.  Any steps toward economic reform are likely to be opposed by the powerful old guard within the Socialist Party.

12.  Del Monte, in turn, has sued Programa Nacional de Banano, a department within Ecuador's Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

13.  Desegregation in Houston only succeeded in creating different educational tiers within the district, he said.

14.  Designated hitter Paul Molitor is within 18 hits of 3,000 for his career.

15.  Designed by Antonio Barreiros Ferreira, the AIP Lisbon Exhibition Center will house all the fair's national pavilions within a single vast structure.

16.  Culp predicted that hellebore cloning will be a commercial reality within the next five years.

17.  Department officials asked the court to bar the protesters from coming within 60 feet of the clinic's grounds.

18.  Department rules require reporting security lapses within eight hours.

19.  Depending on the amount and type of radiation released, residents would be instructed to take the pills within the first five hours.

20.  Depending on the growth of the endowment, MacMillan hopes to start making grants within the next year.

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