71.  Any poll would do.

72.  Any possible landfall would be late Tuesday, but already a heavy surf advisory was posted from Jupiter Inlet to Brunswick, Ga.

73.  Any potential attack on Hungary from the south would be spotted by border guards or US or Hungarian planes, they said.

74.  Denmark-based International Service Systems A/S said it would not comment on a U.K. press report that it is interested in BET's cleaning business.

75.  Denmon would like to again be an asset to the Trojans on Saturday, when they meet UCLA at the Rose Bowl.

76.  Denne said Enron will send its explanation to the secretary of the Senate.

77.  Dennehy asserts Zantac 75 will help prevent production of "harsh burning acid" and ends with puns like "the medicine you've been burning for."

78.  Dennis Banks, founder of the American Indian Movement, will join the group in Tennessee.

79.  Dennis Bennie, chairman and chief executive of Delrina, said the company would continue to operate from Toronto.

80.  Dennis Cocking, spokesman for the district, said that it will cost tens of millions of dollars to clean up the wells or drill new wells.

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