41.  Any player dumb enough to fall for that would figure to be unable to handle the academic load.

42.  Any player who can't concentrate for 40 seconds at a stretch likely will find himself with all the time in the world to daydream.

43.  Any player who spent 1993 in the majors will receive $25,000 by mid-October; others will be paid on a pro-rated basis.

44.  Deputy District Attorney Marcia Clark immediately announced she would appeal Ito's decision.

45.  Deputy District Attorney Sally Thomas, who is handling the case, declined to comment on whether the men will be charged or when a decision will be reached.

46.  Deputy Finance Minister Kyosuke Shinozawa said at a press conference today the ministry will not comment on a private company's ratings.

47.  Deputy Inspector Michael Collins said the Police Department would review its enforcement policies.

48.  Deputy Jim Hellmold, a department spokesman who was stationed at the hospital Sunday, said it appeared that Block would be staying in the hospital through this morning.

49.  Deputy Mayor Peter Powers said Sunday that such a structure would probably satisfy the mayor provided he gained significant control over the $8 billion school budget.

50.  Deputy Mayor Randy Levine said the city would listen to workfare grievances as if they were coming from city employees, but in an informal procedure.

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