51.  Although patriots share conspiracy theories and contempt for the federal government, they aren't united.

52.  Although polls show that most Americans favor stricter gun control, neither party is united on the issue.

53.  As a result they are using a united family front to win territory from native ants.

54.  Diaz Arce is an opportunistic finisher, a perfect target man for the precision passing of Marco Antonio Etcheverry with United.

55.  Debby Dresner-Shulman, seven months pregnant, was traveling with her family from Chicago to Hawaii a few years ago, using free tickets from United.

56.  Divisions on the Albanian side represent another stumbling block to peace, even though Albanians are united in feeling wronged by the ruling Serbian regime.

57.  Does he dream of being the Taoiseach of a united Ireland?

58.  Does United train their people to lie?"

59.  Dole cited the need to united against Clinton in urging his rivals to end their campaigns.

60.  Dole's dilemma is that while the party largely is united behind him, it is not entirely united on principle and politics.

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