41.  As a result of the notoriety attendant his case, United Way admitted to suffering a decline in contributions.

42.  Despite the uncertainty, the study's authors say, it is clear that the United States "ranks quite high in terms of its biotic diversity."

43.  Despite the united front, cracks of dissension within the Administration's ranks and among usually loyal Democrats broke through.

44.  Despite their lack of a united agenda, the assemblies are regarded with alarm in some quarters.

45.  Diplomatic relations between a united Vietnam and the United States were established in 1995, and these grounds once again belong to Washington.

46.  Day Higuchi, president of United Teachers-Los Angeles, said he wants Zacarias to quickly make the business czar appointment.

47.  Disparate clans united in a kind of search for Oz with trails eastward as their Yellow Brick Road.

48.  Distributed by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.

49.  DC Air was designed to provide competition in the Washington market, which would otherwise be dominated by a combined United and US Airways.

50.  Divided Mostar is the Dayton accords' worst outlaw in what is supposed to be a united Muslim-Croat federation.

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